2000 - Volume 9

Volume 9-4, Winter 2000

Editorial Compartment Syndromes of the Upper Extremity*–John Gray Seiler III, MD Patrick J. Casey, MD Sandra Haas Binford, MAEd Abstract | Download  | Purchase The diagnosis and treatment of compartment syndrome is one of the most challenging problems in orthopaedic surgery. The myriad causes of compartment syndrome and the severe […]

2000 - Volume 9

Volume 9-3, Fall 2000

Physical Impairment and Functional Outcome in Patients Having Lower Extremity Fractures After Age 65–Brodie E. McKoy, MD, Langdon A. Hartsock, MD Abstract | Download  | Purchase The purpose of this study was to evaluate physical impairment and functional outcome in a group of patients who had a fracture of a lower extremity […]

2000 - Volume 9

Volume 9-2, Summer 2000

Digital Flexor Sheath: Repair and Reconstruction of the Annular Pulleys and Membranous Sheath–John G. Seiler III, MD, Fraser J. Leversedge, MD Abstract | Download  | Purchase Rupture or transection of the digital pulley may necessitate repair or reconstruction to treat symptomatic flexor tendon bowstringing. When reconstruction is necessary, intrasynovial tendon grafts […]

2000 - Volume 9

Volume 9-1, Spring 2000

Trapezial Resection Arthroplasty for Osteoarthritis: Use of Abductor Pollicis Longus Tendoplasty With Interpositional Material–Glen A. Barden, MD Abstract | Download | Purchase In this series, 45 patients had 54 trapezial resection arthroplasties for carpometacarpal osteoarthritis, with nine of the patients having bilateral arthroplasties. A major slip of the abductor pollicis longus […]

1999 - Volume 8

Volume 8-4, Winter 1999

Femoral Shaft Fracture After Hip Arthroplasty: A System for Classification and Treatment–Mark H. Gonzalez, MD ; Riad Barmada, MD; Daniel Fabiano, MD; William Meltzer, MD Abstract | Download   | Purchase Twenty-one consecutive cases of femoral shaft fracture after hip arthroplasty treated at the University of Illinois affiliated hospitals were reviewed. […]

1999 - Volume 8

Volume 8-3, Fall 1999

Improved Percutaneous Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis Treatment: Continuous Biplanar–John T. Killian, MD; Michael J. Conklin, MD; Thomas Kramer, MD; Stan White, SA Abstract | Download  | Purchase In 1990, a report was published outlining a technique of percutaneous fixation of slipped capital femoral epiphyses dramatically diminishing the morbidity associated with the […]

1999 - Volume 8

Volume 8-2, Summer 1999

Knee Manipulation After Total Knee Arthroplasty–Thomas J. Ellis, MD; Eric Beshires, MD; George W. Brindley, MD; Rebecca L. Adams, RN; Cheryl Preece, MS Abstract | Download   | Purchase To determine if any factors are associated with knee stiffness after total knee arthroplasty (TKA), we retrospectively reviewed the medical records and […]

1999 - Volume 8

Volume 8-1, Spring 1999

Simple, Hybrid Deep Venous Thrombosis/ Pulmonary Embolus Prophylaxis After Total Hip Arthroplasty–William G. Ward, MD; Matthew D. Olin, MS Abstract | Download  | Purchase A 7.1% deep venous thrombosis rate followed total hip arthroplasty in 56 patients using a hybrid prophylactic regimen against deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolus. There were no […]

1998 - Volume 7

Volume 7-4, Winter 1998

Physical Abuse of Children: A Review for Orthopedic Surgeons–Sara H. Sinal, MD; Cynthia D. Stewart, MA, LPC Abstract | Download  | Purchase Statistics show that more than half the victims of child abuse have fractures. The orthopedic surgeon will often be the first person to identify a potentially abused child. In […]

1998 - Volume 7

Volume 7-3, Fall 1998

Adolescent Tibia Vara, Nonossifying Fibroma, and Bipartite Patella in a Nationally Ranked Adolescent Karate Competitor*–Eugene E. Berg, MD Abstract | Download   | Purchase I describe a case of adolescent tibia vara, a contralateral nonossifying fibroma of the tibia, and bipartite patella, which occurred in an adolescent karate competitor of […]

1998 - Volume 7

Volume 7-2, Summer 1998

Heterotopic Bone Formation in Male and Female Rabbits–Berton R. Moed, MD; Ronald B. Resnick, MD; Anton J. Fakhouri, MD; Balajee Nallamothu, MD Abstract | Download  | Purchase We performed mechanical induction of heterotopic ossification in the quadriceps of the right hind limb of six male and six female sexually mature […]

1998 - Volume 7

Volume 7-1, Spring 1998

Patellar Tendon ACL Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Practices and Opinions (Autograft versus Allograft): Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Fellowship Program Survey– John Nyland, EdD, PT, ATC; David N. M. Caborn, MD; Darren L. Johnson, MD; John Moore, MS, ATC; Keith Slone, MS Abstract | Download  | Purchase We wanted to determine the bonepatellar tendon-bone (BPTB) anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) […]

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