Anil Agarwal; Ankit Jain; Ankur Upadhyay; and Nitish Deo

Surgical Scissors: The Core Surgical Instrument
Surgical scissors form an essential part of both basic and specialty surgical sets. Their prime function is to cut tissues. They are also used for blunt dissection/development of tissue planes and piercing tissues. A wide variety of scissors are available for use in practice. This review article briefly describes common surgical scissors in orthopaedic use. The basic construct, biomechanics, types, their identification, specific uses, and care aspects are also discussed. A surgeon should be aware of the different types of scissors, their biomechanical features, and specific uses, as they are an important tool in his/her armamentarium. (Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances 33(1):001-004, 2024)
Key words: scissors, biomechanics, wear