Nicholas Andring, MD; T. David Luo, MD, PhD; Suman Medda, MD; Kelly Stumpff, MD; and Eben Carroll, MD

Indirect Coronal Reduction Technique Using a Volar Locking Plate in Distal Radius Fractures: A Case Series
This is a retrospective case series of patients with distal radius fractures treated with an indirect coronal reduction technique previously described by the senior author using volar locking plates. Seventeen distal radius fractures underwent treatment at a Level I Trauma Center and were retrospectively reviewed for anatomic alignment, surgical complications, and wrist range of motion in the global period. Near-anatomic restoration was achieved with the average radial inclination, radial height, and volar tilt measured as 23.2 ± 3.9 degrees, 11.8 ± 2.1 degrees, and 8.5 ± 5.4 degrees, respectively. Average coronal translation was 2.8 ± 2.7 mm. Postoperative wrist motion on average was within the normal ranges for pronation, supination, wrist flexion, and wrist extension at an average of 36 weeks follow-up. There were no complications related to surgical technique or implant. This case series demonstrates the reliability for coronal reduction with a volar locking plate technique without complications. (Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances 33(1):037-040, 2024)
Key words: distal radius fracture, volar locking plate, distal radial-ulnar joint, trauma, coronal reduction