The Fate of Orthopaedic Surgery Applicants from Medical Schools Without an Orthopaedic Surgery Residency


The purpose of this study was to analyze and assess students from medical schools without a home orthopaedic residency program when applying for a residency position in orthopaedic surgery in terms of metrics utilized by program directors in the Match. An anonymous survey consisting of 23 questions was distributed to graduates of six different medical schools without a home orthopaedic residency program who successfully matched into orthopaedic residency over the past 6 years. Forty- three total responses were received. The number of honors achieved in the junior clerkship phase, mean United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) step 1 and step 2 clinical knowledge (CK) exam scores, number of away rotations, and number of orthopaedic research publications in surgery and total publications overall at the time of application were determined. Graduates of medical schools without a home orthopaedic residency program who successfully matched performed at a higher level across all metrics compared with national match data and the orthopaedic literature. (Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances 33(3):172-177, 2024)

Key words: orthopaedic surgery, residency application, orphan medical schools, audition, match

Joshua R. Eskew, MD; Jonathan J. Light, MS; Amelia J. Weingart, MD; Jacob R. Jackowski, MD; Natalie M. Marenghi, MD; and Lisa Cannada, MD