Descriptive Analysis of Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Program Directors


The purpose of this study was to analyze the demographics and backgrounds of U.S. orthopaedic surgery residency program directors (PDs). We collected publicly available information on 189 orthopaedic surgery residency PDs. Of those PDs, 90% were male MDs with an average age of 52. The average age at PD appointment was 45. The average duration of appointment was 7 years. About 81% of programs were university-affiliated, and 61% were in an urban environment. PDs attended 100 medical schools, 129 residencies, and 96 fellowships. Of PDs, 87% completed fellowships, commonly in trauma and sports medicine. There was no significant difference between male and female PDs when comparing age, academic appointment, or urban/rural environment. Most female PDs (89%) were at university-based hospitals. Of PDs at osteopathic-focused programs, 28% had an MD/PD. No program with an allopathic focus had a DO/PD. Lastly, 38% of PDs worked at the center where they completed residency. (Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances 31(4):252–255, 2022)

Key words: orthopaedics, program director, medical education, resident education

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Frederick Mun, BS, BA; Alyssa R. Scott, BS; Nicole R. Legro, MD; Henry A. Boateng, MD; Paul J. Juliano, MD; and William L. Hennrikus, MD