Griffin Biedron, MD; Reuben Macias, MD; Isaac Fernandez, MD; Nicholas Kusnezov, MD; John C. Dunn, MD; and James H. Nelson, MD

Orthopaedists Versus Radiologists: A Prospective Comparison of Radiographic Interpretation Between Orthopaedists and Radiologists at a Level I Trauma Center
The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the difference in response time, accuracy of radiographic interpretation, and frequency of changes in clinical management necessary after inaccurate reads when comparing orthopaedic and radiology providers. Data including provider response time, accuracy of radiographic interpretation and the frequency of changes in clinical management necessary after imaging reads was collected over a continuous two-month period at a Level I Trauma Center. A total of 188 orthopedic injuries involving imaging were included. Orthopedic providers responded 203.2 minutes sooner than radiology providers. Accuracy of radiographic interpretation of the orthopaedic and radiology providers was 100% and 91%, respectively. Frequency of changes in clinical management after inaccurate interpretation of imaging by the orthopaedic and radiology provider was 0% and 7.6%, respectively. Based on our study, orthopaedic providers are significantly faster, more accurate, and make fewer mistakes affecting patient care while interpreting images of orthopaedic injuries than our radiology colleagues. (Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances 30(2):093–096, 2021)
Key words: orthopaedics, radiology, radiographic interpretation, skeletal radiographs