The Role of Body Mass Index in Perioperative Complications Among Patients Undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty


Obesity is a modifiable risk factor that causes mechanical forces to be exerted within the joints, further contributing to the debilitating effects of osteoarthritis. Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) can have a profound impact on patients with osteoarthritis, providing them with increased quality of life, improved function, reduction of pain, while simultaneously preventing the development of additional comorbidities. Although there is inconclusive evidence that increased body mass index (BMI) is linked to increased perioperative complications among TKA patients, recent studies suggest this association exists. The aim of this study is to provide conclusive data on the effects of BMI on perioperative complications in TKA using the national riskadjusted database, ACS-NSQIP. Our study demonstrated that there was a correlation between increased BMI and perioperative outcomes, particularly with surgical site infections, renal, and respiratory complications. (Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances 29(4):205–208, 2020)

Key words: body mass index (BMI), total knee arthroplasty (TKA), obesity, comorbidities, perioperative outcomes

Rolanda A. Willacy, MD; Olubode A. Olufajo, MD, MPH; Caldon J. Esdaille, BS; Hamza M. Raja, BS; and Robert H. Wilson, MD