Anna N. Miller, MD; Justin Tilan, MD; Alexandria Wellman; Jennifer Talton; Andrew Usoro, MD; Katherine Sun; Scott Wuertzer, MD; Leon Lenchik, MD; Joel Stitzel, MD; and Ashley Weaver, MD
Patient Age Is Inversely Associated with Injury Counts Caused by Motor Vehicle Crashes
Associations between age and fracture incidence, total number of fractures, and total number of injuries per occupant occurring in motor vehicle crashes were evaluated. An observational study of the Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network was conducted. Multivariable logistic regression and negative binomial models were used to relate age (20–64, 65+ years) to fracture incidence, total number of fractures per occupant, and total number of injuries, adjusting for sex and change in vehicle velocity (delta-v). Over 90% of occupants had at least one fracture for a total of 5,846 fracture injuries. The older age group experienced a 15% increase in the incidence of total injuries sustained compared to the younger group (Incident Rate Ratio = 1.15, 95% Confidence Interval = 1.08–1.23, p < 0.0001). Older patients should be considered for polytrauma evaluation even with a “lower energy” motor vehicle crash. (Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances 29(1):36-39, 2020) Keywords: age, collision energy, delta-v, geriatric, motor vehicle collision, polytrauma