New NCAA Bat Standard, BBCOR, is Associated with an Increased Incidence of Hamate Fractures


Our institution saw four hamate fractures in the 2011 baseball season, the first season following implementation of new batting standards in collegiate baseball. The purpose of this paper was to identify whether the incidence of hamate fractures increased with the introduction of the new batting standard. Surveys sent to Division 1 collegiate baseball athletic trainers reported the number, mechanism, treatment and return to play of hamate fractures from 2008–2010 (old batting standards) and for the 2011 season. This study shows that there was more than a 200% increased risk of hamate fracture with implementation of the 2011 collegiate baseball batting standards. The most common injury mechanism was batting with the down hand (79%). We suggest that a national injury database be considered for collegiate athletics so that injury rates, risk factors and results of interventions could be studied to improve the health of our nations’ athletes. (Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances 28(4):285-289, 2019) Key words: hamate fracture, bat standard, NCAA, baseball

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Ryan Nathe, MD; Tyler Nathe, MD; Trevor J. Shelton, MD, MS; and Robert M. Szabo, MD, MPH