Orthopaedic Residency Training Structure: Implications on Quantity and Quality of Scholarship


The objective of this analysis was to compare the efficiency of scholarly activity withinmilitary orthopaedic training programs. The authors obtained the lists of abstracts accepted for presentation at the 2009 through 2014 Society of Military Orthopaedic Surgeons (SOMOS) annual meetings. Data were extracted for each individual presentation. Three primary groups were compared: a traditional program, a research program, and a hybrid program. The hybrid program produced the highest percentage of the presentations (28.6%). The traditional program contributed the most presentations (3.32) and publications (2.16) per resident and had the highest publication rate (87.7%) and the shortest time to publication (14.4 months). The research program published in the highest average impact journals (3.2). The addition of a research year does not improve the number of academic presentations or published papers but may improve the impact factor of the journals in which the projects are published. (Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances 28(3):175–179, 2019) Key words: academic research, military, orthopaedic, residency training

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John C. Dunn, MD; Nicholas Kusnezov, MD; Austin B. Fares, MD; E’stephan Garcia, MD; Brian R. Waterman, MD; Justin Orr, MD; and Mark Pallis, DO