Matt Simons, MD; Nicholas Schraut, MD; Vincent Moretti, MD; Greg Klazura, MD; Donald Chuang, MD; Amit Parekh, MD; and Mark Gonzalez, MD, PhD

Location of the Popliteal Artery in Knee Extension on Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The goal of this study was to define the course of the popliteal artery (PA) and determine any variability among different patient demographics; by identifying risk factors for injury, surgeons can decrease patient morbidity and mortality. Ninety-four adult magnetic resonance imaging studies of the knee were reviewed. In extension, the artery is at most 7.87 mm posterior and 4.83 mm lateral to the midline below the tibial plateau. Proximally, the artery is more anterior and midline. With increasing body mass indexes, the artery is more posterior at any level. At the femur, 1 cm above the distal articular surface, the artery was more posterior in younger patients; 1 cm below the joint line, it was more posterior in elder patients. Attention should be given during total knee arthroplasty, revision surgery, lateral meniscal repair, posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, high tibial osteotomy, and fixation of tibial tubercle fractures. Proximally, the PA is more anterior and midline, placing it at significant risk during these procedures. (Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances 27(4):325–328, 2018)
Key words: arthroplasty, knee, location, MRI, popliteal artery