Ian Rice, MD, and John D. Lubahn, MD

Use of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 (rh-BMP-2) in Treatment of Wrist and Hand Nonunion With Comparison to Historical Control Groups
The purpose of this study is to report the percentage of patients achieving union, time to union, and complications with the use of bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rh-BMP-2) in surgical repair of established nonunion in the hand and wrist. Twenty-seven patients with nonunion of the hand and wrist were treated between 2005 and 2011 with surgical repair and augmentation using 4.2 mg of rh-BMP-2. Sites of nonunion included the phalanx (seven), carpus (nine), distal radius (five), and distal ulna (six). Radiographic union and complications were the primary and secondary outcomes, respectively. Eightynine percent (24/27) of patients achieved union within an average of 4.3 š 2.8 months of surgery. There were no direct complications from administration of rh-BMP-2. Radiographic union was consistent with published rates for nonunion repair of scaphoid, phalanx, and distal radius fractures. Rh-BMP-2 did not produce superior rates of union in the patients with wrist and hand nonunion.