Advances in Orthopaedic Outcomes Research


As the field of orthopaedic surgery continues to expand in terms of indications and technologies, there has been increasing emphasis placed on validated patient-derived outcome measures in clinical orthopaedic research. As concerns mount regarding rising health care costs, declining quality, and variability in clinical practice patterns, outcome measures become important tools in assessing  quality. Furthermore, outcome measures can be utilized to justify the clinical benefits of existing and new diagnostic modalities and surgical interventions. This review provides a brief overview of traditional outcomes approaches in orthopaedics followed by a discussion of the current trend toward patient-centered outcomes research and its role in the emerging field of cost-effectiveness analysis in orthopaedics. (Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances 17(3):200–203, 2008)

Erik J. Novak, MD, PhD, Thomas P. Vail, MD, and Kevin J. Bozic, MD, MBA