Ethan R. Wiesler, MD, and Boyd Lumsden, MD

Golf Injuries of the Upper Extremity
Golf has demonstrated increasing popularity and with this heightened enthusiasm has come an increased
awareness of the significant number of injuries associated with playing golf. While back injuries represent
the most commonly injured specific body part, upper extremity injuries are most frequent overall and
the most likely to result in loss of play. Patterns of injury differ based on level of play and time spent
playing or practicing golf. Among golf professionals, the hand/wrist is the most commonly injured
upper extremity structure. Among amateurs, the elbow is most commonly injured. The vast majority
of upper extremity injuries are due to overuse. Age, ability, equipment, and swing mechanics also
play contributing roles. Most upper extremity golf injuries can be successfully treated with appropriate
cessation or modification of play, anti-inflammatory modalities, and rehabilitation. Surgical treatment is
rarely required, but if needed can prove successful in a high percentage of patients. (Journal of Surgical
Orthopaedic Advances 14(1):1–7, 2005)
Key words: golf injuries, upper extremity