S. Craig Humphreys, MD, Jason C. Eck, DO, MS, Scott D. Hodges, DO, and
Justin Hagen, BS

Preliminary Experience With a New Surgical Treatment for Dysphagia Due to Anterior Cervical Osteophytes
A technique for surgical treatment of anterior cervical osteophytes is presented. A midline trough is created in the osteophytes using a burr under fluoroscopy down to the anterior cervical line. A rongeur is used to remove the remaining osteophytes while protecting the lateral soft tissues. Two patients presented with symptoms of progressive dysphagia secondary to anterior cervical osteophytes. Each underwent surgical ostectomy without complication after failing conservative treatment. This technique provides a safe, effective method to remove anterior cervical osteophytes. (Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances 13(2):106–109, 2004)